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Welcome to Field Street Surgery



If you are suffering from respiratory symptoms, please wear a mask in the waiting area.






We have a patient list of more than 2,700, covering Shepshed, Long Whatton, Thringstone, Charley Knoll, & Oaks in Charnwood. 


We value core values. Our core values as a practice are to treat our patients with care, kindness and respect in a relaxed, friendly environment. Our aim is to deliver a high level of patient centred care.








Extended access hub







We are in Beacon PCN along with 3 local surgeries. Between the surgeries we have a local hub which is based at Rosebery Medical Centre, Rosebery St, Loughborough, LE11 5DX


If you need a GP appointment and we are unable to offer you one at the surgery, we have access to make an appointment for you at the hub usually within the week. We will need brief details of the problem so that we can be sign post you to the correct clinician.


What is an extended access hub?


Extended Access offers bookable appointments for GP-led services later into the evening, at weekends. These appointments are available at a number of sites called “extended access hubs” and could be with a GP, Nurse Practitioner, Practice Nurse or Health Care Assistant.

























Social Prescribers








First Contact Plus









​Podiatry-you can self refer: 0116 2255 118








Physio-you can self refer: 0300 300 0046 Please ring between 8.00am-4.00pm










We have a mental health practitioner on site who supports, treats and manages people with problems. The GP will refer you if you would like some support.





























































              Patient Satisfaction​​


Please click on the link and complete the survey











For information about the surgery please read the latest newsletter.














Welcome to Field Street

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General Practice Opening Hours


Monday-Friday (exc Thursday) 08:30-18.30pm
Thursday  08:30-1.00pm


** Please note the phone lines go off daily from 12.00 noon until 2.00pm**


The surgery is closed for lunch and admin time from 12.30-2.00pm daily.




We apologise for any inconvenience but feel this is the only fair way for everyone.


Doctors' Surgery Times



Morning (Mon-Fri) 09:00-12:00 noon
Afternoon (Mon, Tues, Weds, Fri)15:00-17:30pm
Afternoon (Thurs) Closed


Nurse Surgery Times

Morning (Mon, Tues, Wed)   9.00-11-45am
Morning (Thurs, Fri)              9.00-11.45am
Afternoon (Mon, Tues, Weds)2.00-5.00pm
Afternoon (Fri)                        1.30-3.30pm
Afternoon (Thurs)                    Closed   

Are you a carer? do you need advice or support? Click on the VASL button for information.

Please let us know if you are a carer so we can update the system.
We have information in the surgery and on notice boards 
If you are a carer, please click on the survey button to complete.
New patients
We are taking on new patients.
Please come into the surgery for registration forms. When they have been completed please return with 2 forms of ID, something with a photo on and a utility bill with your current address.
It is currently taking up to 2 weeks to complete the registration process.
Vita health group is your local NHS talking therapy service. Its a free service to access their support please call:0330 094 5595
For contraception coil/implant service you can self-refer to:
​Springfield Rd Health Centre
Leicester, LE2 3 BB
​Lines open Mon-Fri I 8am-6.30pm
0116 225 6790
LARC Service-Groby Rd Medical Centre
0116 253 6263
If you have a minor conditions for example one of the following:
  • Bites/stings
  • Colds
  • Congestion
  • Ear ache
  • Conjunctivitis
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhoea
  • Hayfever
  • Thrush
  • Cold sores
  • Acne, spots & pimples
  • Limb swelling
Please consult the community pharmacy
If you need a medication review please inform the admin team as these can be done by our in house pharmacists.

                    Opening hours

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Get in Touch

Tel: 01509 601201

24 Hour Line: 01509 601600

Fax: 01509 651311

Field Street Surgery


LE12 9AL

This is a national campaign to give people an idea of what staff in a doctors surgery face everyday. It certainly isn't a new thing it has been happening for the 20+ years I have worked in the NHS however it is getting to be much more frequent. We have a large number of understanding and kind patients at the surgery which we are grateful for. Please remember we do our best to help in difficult times, please be kind to us. Thank you













If you are travelling abroad and may need vaccinations, please complete a travel form preferably six weeks before you depart. The nurse will go through what is required and what you have had and advise you what is needed for safe travel.

















​​​​As a result of patient feedback, the following changes have occurred/ will occur, please select those most appropriate for your site which reflects what you have done, and add any other messages about changes you have made individually.




We had long waiting times to answer the phone

We are in the process of installing a new phone system and are working through altering how we answer calls, options will be announced to you, to select the correct person to respond to your query, we will also share messages about other services that are now available to you, as you might not yet be aware of the changing provision at the practice.


We are offering on-line consultations (admin and/or clinical queries) so you can raise your non-emergency queries with us and we will respond within two days to inform you how we can best manage your request, and when.


We are now promoting PHARMACY FIRST, where you can obtain help and advice for any of the following symptoms, so that you do not need to access primary care appointments, which will free up time for us to see more complex patients sooner. Numark, Pickfords and Rowlands are our local pharmacies.


We now encourage all patients on a repeat prescription to order their next repeat prescription on-line, this saves you having to contact us by telephone or in person, which helps other patients to access our services more quickly.  Please see our website for how to order your repeat prescription on-line.



You said you had to wait a long time to obtain an appointment

We have increased the number and range of clinicians that now provide services to our patients, and you can now access appointments with:


Pharmacists – in house and via Pharmacy First

Pharmacy technicians

Physician Associates


Social Prescriber Link Workers

Mental Health Practitioners


Please inform our staff when you contact us what your needs are so they will be able to co-ordinate your care and help direct you to the service that is most appropriate for your needs (or if not urgent, use our online consultation facility to register your request online).  These clinicians are part of our team and are working to ensure your needs are being met by the most appropriate service.
















We are looking to increase the membership of our Patient Participation Group (PPG).


The PPG is made up of volunteers and our Practice Manager to help strengthen the relationship between the practice and you, our patients. Your PPG contributes ideas, feedback and suggestions to improve patient experience. We would stress it is not the role of the PPG to deal with complaints against staff as this is covered by the NHS complaints procedures.


Would you like to have a meaningful input into improving the services you receive at your surgery? By joining the PPG, you will have a direct voice to influence decisions made by the surgery about patient services. If you are interested in finding out more information or joining the PPG, please contact our reception staff.


The PPG is open to all patients of Field Street Surgery. The group meets bi- monthly, so if you are willing to join the PPG, you would be made very welcome.






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Field Street Surgery



LE12 9AL​





Tel: 01509 601201

24 Hour Line: 01509 601600

Fax: 01509 651311


Contact Us



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