Community and Other NHS Services
Please note that Audiology, Continence Clinic and Podiatry sessions are run by LPT. Although based in the same building, we are unable to make/change these appointments as we are a separate GP surgery. Please manage your appointments for these services by contacting them directly.
Being co-located at Shepshed Health Centre, patients have easy access to the following community services:
Health Visitors are based at Shepshed Health Centre - telephone 0116 215 6318.
Ante-natal Care - by appointment with the midwife. Telephone 01509 601201
District Nurses - Shepshed district nurses are based at Loughborough Hospital - 0300 3007777.
Physiotherapists are accessible via referral from your GP, or you can self-refer by collecting a card from reception, or calling the team - 0300 300 0046.
Podiatry. Telephone 01162 255116 to contact the Podiatry Service.
Continence Clinic - 0300 300 7777
Audiology - 0116 258 6230
NHS Walk-in Centre
24-hour facilities are available for diagnosis and treatment at the centre, based at Loughborough Hospital, Epinal Way.
Local Primary Care Trust
Field Street Surgery is included in an area overseen by:
NHS Leicestershire County & Rutland Primary Care Trust
Lakeside House
4 Smith Way, Grove Park,
Enderby, LE19 1SSTel: 0116 295 7500